Create Skynet Account
New Members
- Be a fully paid up member of UL Computer Society.
- Go to our Skynet signup page.
- Enter the same email used for UL Wolves.
- This is the
Preferred Contact Email
on your profile page.
- This is the
- You will get an email to verify your address, follow the link in the email.
- You may need to check the spam folder.
- It may also take up to 15 min to be delivered.
- Choose a
Congrats! You are in!
heist music
Returning Members
- Please go to the profile modification page.
- Enter the same email used for UL Wolves.
- This is the
Preferred Contact Email
on your profile page.
- This is the
If you have forgotten your username
Use recover username.
If you have forgotten your password
Use reset password.
If the above doesn't work
Contact the nearest Skynet person, either in person or at contact[at]